Newsletter Signup

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Fee Waiver Application

Please let us know below if a fee waiver would make it possible for your business to participate.

Fee Waiver Application Form

With careful consideration and in support of ensuring the long-term viability of this promotion, we have introduced a registration fee of $250 per location, a reduced rate from prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure that this promotion remains truly accessible for all eligible food businesses, we are offering a limited number of scholarships with support from sponsors to waive the participation fee for businesses for whom it poses a barrier

Please let us know below if a fee waiver would make it possible for your business to participate. We will review the applications regularly and reach out if we are able to offer you complimentary registration while space allows. We encourage participants to reach out with any questions regarding registration fees to our team at gro.doogelttaes@wrs.

Would you be interested in offering gift cards in trade in lieu of a full waiver?(Required)