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Eat Local First x Seattle Restaurant Week Digital Passport

This spring, during Seattle Restaurant Week, we are happy to announce the Eat Local First digital passport for diners. Participating locations are verified as sourcing food that is grown, caught, raised, and made right here in Washington State.

Diners will earn points by checking in with a custom QR code at any location designated on the Eat Local First x Seattle Restaurant Week digital passport provided by restaurant staff during their onsite dining experience. Points can be redeemed for gift cards eligible for future visits – and will be eligible for a special prize giveaway when the passport concludes at the end of Seattle Restaurant Week.

Sign up below to receive an activation link as soon as the passport is live and get ready to check-in during Seattle Restaurant Week, March 30 – April 12.

Used for passport activation + opt-in text messaging only.
Opt-In for communications/marketing

Check-In / Points & Prizes

POINTS COLLECTED DURING THE ACTIVATION PERIOD are available for redemption on your passport thirty (30) days following the end of the active passport period. To redeem points for rewards, log into your passport and click the Rewards icon, and follow the steps to select your reward. CHECK IN to win gift cards to farm-to-table dining experiences.


You MUST dine at the establishment (fine dining setting) OR purchase over the counter (select locations) in order to check in. This passport is intended to celebrate Eat Local First restaurants participating in Seattle Restaurant Week. Look for the QR CODE either on table tents or during the checkout process AFTER DINING at any Eat Local First x Seattle Restaurant Week participating location from March 30-April 12.

You will scan the QR code “CHECK-IN” button on the location’s passport profile. You must scan this code to successfully check in. See below for instructions.

Eat Local First x Seattle Restaurant Week check-in instructions


All passport users who have downloaded and successfully checked in to AT LEAST ONE Eat Local First x Seattle Restaurant Week location during active passport dates (March 30-April 12) will be eligible for a special prize drawing. The number of times you check-in and dine at locations is the number of entries you will have in our prize drawing.

Eligible users will be automatically entered into the Prize Drawing. No other action is necessary. One entry per check-in per user for this limited time passport.

The Prize Drawing will be a $200 gift card/voucher to a business on the WA Food & Farm Finder. 

Prize Drawings will take place following Seattle Restaurant Week (March 30-April 12) and winner will be notified via email by the Seattle Restaurant Week team to collect the prize.

Terms & Conditions Apply: Personal information will not be shared with any third-party entities outside of Bandwango, Inc (“digital passport creation company”). Any external communications received will only occur once the participant has “opted-in” using checkbox on the form signup. You may unsubscribe at any point, however, you will no longer receive notifications via the digital passport once you unsubscribe.