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Charlie’s Produce – Fall 2021

Charlie's Produce. Cultivating Fresh.

Spring Feature Coming Soon!

Learn more from our Fall 2021 Feature:

Field to Fork Podcast Series


Charlie’s Produce in partnership with Seattle Restaurant Week and podcaster Keith Bacon of All Ways West Seattle invite you to join us for the Field to Fork podcast series. Taking you on a deep dive into the local food systems of the Puget Sound region, from modern-day farming operations to independent restaurants, going to the source to find out how food comes to you, direct from the people making it happen.

In each episode, we’ve focused on particular foods from the people who produce it and cook with it, to learning more about how it’s grown, how it gets to you, and how to enjoy it!

Listen for Free

About Field to Fork Podcast Host

Writer, producer, and podcaster Keith Bacon adds distinctive flavor and irresistible appeal to creative efforts seen and heard around the world through Made With Bacon productions. 

Producer and host of the hyper-local podcast All Ways West Seattle, he also makes incredible coleslaw!

“At Charlie’s we are deeply devoted to giving back to our community. That is why we love sponsoring Seattle Restaurant Week year after year, to continue to support our local community of chefs and restauranteurs.”- Laura Severance Charlie’s Produce Marketing Manager