Newsletter Signup

Our website may load slowly during peak traffic—we’re working to resolve the issue. Use the map feature to find participating restaurants if they do not load in the search below. Thank you.


We’re excited to share that UberEats has joined us as a partner for the fall Seattle Restaurant Week promotion. 

Below is an outline of the program benefits and how you can partner with UberEats during Seattle Restaurant Week. 

UberEats will be offering:

  • 0% commission fees for all Seattle Restaurant Week menu items (priced at $20, $35 and $50) sold Oct 26 – Nov 6th, 2021
  • 0% commission fee for Oct 26 – Nov 25, 2021 for all menu items for newly registering UberEats participating restaurants
  • $0 Delivery Fees for all Seattle Restaurant Week menu items for Oct 24 – Nov 6th (no promotion code needed, discount will be automatically applied at checkout)
  • UberEats promotion code worth $15 off for UberEats customers placing their first order for October 24 – November 6th. Code is TBD. Please check back! (must have minimum order of $30)
  • Extra visibility on UberEats marketing channels October 15th – November 6th.
  • Email and push notification to all UberEats customers in your area encouraging them to try your SRW menu.
  • Seattle Restaurant Week In-App Billboard highlighting your restaurant’s participation in the event


How to Sign-Up 

If you are currently working with UberEats and would like to feature your SRW menu on the UberEats platform, please follow the instructions below. 

Contact your existing account manager, or Bridget Terry at moc.rebu@yrretb to set up menu items on UberEats.
Please note you’ll pay your normal commission on menu items real-time and UberEats will issue a miscellaneous payment to refund to you at the end of November

Log into your SRW menu profile and update that you are offering delivery. Please update your delivery link to direct to your UberEats profile. Your Uber Eats Account Manager will be able to help you create a link to your Uber Eats page if you need it.


If you are not currently working with UberEats but would like to sign up please follow the instructions below. 

Email Daniel Cardenas at moc.rebu@sanedracd to sign up. Daniel is based in the Seattle area and is happy to come out to your venue to support you in person if helpful. 

Log into your SRW menu profile and update that you are offering delivery. Please update your delivery link to direct to your UberEats profile. 

Promote to Your Customers

UberEats will be creating a toolkit including easy cut-and-paste social and newsletter copy and imagery to highlight these promotions to your customers. Check back soon for a link to these materials. 


Seattle Restaurant Week inquiries: gro.doogelttaes@wrs