Newsletter Signup

Our website may load slowly during peak traffic—we’re working to resolve the issue. Use the map feature to find participating restaurants if they do not load in the search below. Thank you.

Participant Toolkit


Thank you for participating in Seattle Restaurant Week (SRW), and for helping us spread the word! Here you’ll find links to SRW logos and images, suggested social media content, and more. Got questions? Email us at gro.doogelttaes@wrs


Image Assets

Access Seattle Restaurant Week (SRW) logos and social images here.

Social images and logos can be freely used as-is or as a frame or overlay on your own images. 

Tag Us
Please tag us in your posts for SRW and we will do our best to repost on our channels!

Our tags:
Facebook: @SeattleRestaurantWeek | X (Twitter): @SeattleRW | Instagram: @seattlerestaurantweek 

Social Media Post Templates

Here are some examples for Facebook and Instagram content. You can use these or edit to add your own message.  


Caption 1:

We’re excited to be part of this spring’s Seattle Restaurant Week happening March 30 – April 12! 😋🍴🥢Give your kitchen some time off and Pull Up a Seat at [Your Restaurant Profile Link] .

Caption 2:

It’s Seattle Restaurant Week! From March 30 through April 12, come Pull Up a Seat at [Your Restaurant Profile Link]. Supporting local restaurants has never been more delicious! Check out our menu and dining options at  [Your Restaurant Profile Link]

Caption 3:

Seattle Restaurant Week ends April 12th! Pull Up a Seat and try our special menu while you can at [Your Restaurant Profile Link]!

We appreciate your support! 


Examples for X (formerly Twitter)

Tweet 1: 

Pull Up a Seat and dine with us at [Your Restaurant Profile Link], during #SeattleRestaurantWeek! From March 30-April 12, try our special #SRW menu while you can 😋

Tweet 2: 

#SeattleRestaurantWeek is a unique opportunity to Pull Up a Seat and show support for Seattle’s food scene. We recommend starting with us 😉 Check out our #SRW menu at [Your Restaurant Profile Link]

Tweet 3: 

LAST CALL! #SeattleRestaurantWeek ends April 12th. Celebrate local restaurants — like us! — during the city’s largest dining promotion. 🍴🥢 Make a reservation now and Pull Up a Seat! [Your Restaurant Profile Link]

Newsletter Templates

Below is an example for newsletter content. You can use this or edit to add your own message.

Seattle Restaurant Week is returning this spring from March 30 to April 12! Seattle Restaurant Week invites diners to explore our diverse and innovative local food scene, through curated menus for $20, $35, $50, and $65 at restaurants, bars, cafes, food trucks, and pop-ups across greater Seattle.

Pull Up a Seat and dine with us at [Your Restaurant Profile Link], during Seattle Restaurant Week to celebrate and support our culinary community, strengthening our local economy over good food! For these two weeks, you can enjoy our special [Your Restaurant Meal Option]. Check out our Seattle Restaurant Week menu at [Your Restaurant Profile Link] and book your reservation now! 

Tagline that can be utilized in posts

  • Where Community Grows Together

Hashtags to use with each social post (except Twitter): 

#SRW #giveameal #seattlegoodfood #seattlerestaurantweek #SeattleFood #SeattleFoodies #seattlerestaurantweek2024 #SRW #giveameal #seattlegoodfood  #foodie #supportseattlesmallbiz #eatlocal #supportlocal #seattlegood #seattlerestaurants #seattleeats #seattlefoodscene


Suggested posting times for optimal engagement:
Best day and time to post on Facebook:

  • Monday to Friday, between 1pm – 3pm.

  • Saturday, anytime.


Best day and time to post on Instagram:

  • Monday to Friday, 11am and 1pm, between 7pm – 9pm.

  • Saturday between 11am – 12pm.


Best day and time to post on X (formerly Twitter):

  • Monday to Thursday, between 1pm – 3pm


If you are participating in the Give a Meal program, highlighting your involvement can show diners your investment in their community. 

Suggested Post:

Give A Meal supports the @GoodFoodKitchens program which funds restaurants making free, nourishing meals to community members using locally sourced ingredients! Provide a meal to someone in need through the Give a Meal program during Seattle Restaurant Week now through November 9! #giveameal #goodfoodkitchens #seattlerestaurantweek


Suggested Posts For Your Customers:

I’m proud to support @goodkoodkitchens during Seattle Restaurant Week through the Give a Meal program. #giveameal #goodfoodkitchens #seattlerestaurantweek


The team at (your company) contributed to @goodfoodkitchens during Seattle Restaurant Week through the Give A Meal program. We’re building community with every bite! #giveameal #goodfoodkitchens #seattlerestaurantweek



SRW Website | Facebook | Instagram | X (Twitter) 


Please reach out to us at gro.doogelttaes@wrs