Our website may load slowly during peak traffic—we’re working to resolve the issue. Use the map feature to find participating restaurants if they do not load in the search below. Thank you.

Restaurant Listing Added

Your new restaurant listing is now pending review by our team.

Your listing has been submitted.

Your listing is now ‘Pending Review’ and awaiting approval by our team!

A summary of the details you submitted has been emailed to you, along with the information shown below. Here’s a few important things to know:

  • Allow up to 2-3 business days for us to review and publish your listing, especially as we near deadlines. Our system is not fully automated, so please be patient as we work to support everyone.
  • You can make additional edits to your listing on your My Account page at any time—while it’s pending review and even after it gets approved and published.
  • Your restaurant listing won’t be published until we confirm your registration payment.
  • You’ll be notified by email when it gets published.
  • If you have more eateries or restaurant locations to add, please see the instructions on your account page.

Media Packages & Special Promotions

If you purchased a media package or selected interest in any of the special promotions or programs, we will follow up with another email shortly with more information about next steps. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to email us.