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Media Packages – Sponsor


Sponsor a paid media package to provide additional visibility for a group of participating Seattle Restaurant Week restaurants in your neighborhood or that are members or partners of your organization. Your sponsorship can provide valuable marketing benefits to your restaurant members, while educating diners and other restaurants about your organization.

Each package includes a dedicated sponsored article and supporting media across multiple partners and platforms, including Seattle Met, The Stranger, Do206, and Seattle Restaurant Week.

Package details are listed below. Specific dates and preferred placements are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Only a limited number of packages are available, so reserve your spot today!


Package includes:

  • Seattle Restaurant Week Guide, amplified by:
    • Seattle Restaurant Week Newsletter Feature
    • Seattle Restaurant Week Paid Social Post


Package includes:

  • Seattle Restaurant Week Guide (see example here), amplified by:
    • Seattle Restaurant Week Newsletter Feature
    • Seattle Restaurant Week Paid Social Post
    • Seattle Times Article in The Ticket
    • Do206 Email Feature
    • The Stranger EverOut Email Sponsored Inclusion


Contact us with questions or to reserve at gro.doogelttaes@wrs.